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66xx no.6695

Discussion in 'Steam Traction' started by Nigel Clark, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. twr12

    twr12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2007
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    6695 failed during the week, undergoing maintenance. Awaiting materials....
  2. Ann Clark

    Ann Clark Member

    Dec 5, 2007
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    Engine was stopped for routine maintenance and boiler wash out. During this a problem was found and she is now awaiting parts.
  3. Nigel Clark

    Nigel Clark Member Loco Owner

    Mar 30, 2008
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    The current situation is that the loco is out of traffic awaiting examination and repair. Several problems became apparent last week whilst the engine was being washed out and receiving routine maintenance. The first item was a severely worn shank on the rear drawhook caused by one of the metal spacers cutting into it. SVR have kindly modified (56xx class have a unique length) one of theirs as a temporary measure whilst we source a replacement.

    The loco was then steam tested last Friday with the intention of returning to traffic on the Sunday but a blow was noted at the base of the RH steam pipe (joint with cylinder block), plus a problem with the chamber side vacuum.

    SVR began to strip out the steam pipe but it isn't an easy job. Their engineering dept have a heavy workload with their own fleet and it has become apparent that the steam pipe joint is not going to be a quick job. If SVR continued with the exam and repairs they would be unlikely to get much use out of the engine before the end of the hire period therefore, in discussion earlier today, it was reluctantly agreed by both parties for the hire to end now and the loco put back together for transport home to Swanage where the various faults will be attended to.

    Whilst it is an unfortunate end to this hire, the engine has proved useful to the SVR and we were only too pleased to be able to help them during their time of need. The important period for them was the 2009 Santa Season, the hire this year was agreed partly as a thankyou to them for undertaking the piston valve overhaul.
  4. olly5764

    olly5764 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    Gotta agree with your thoughts there Nigel, I had a very hard turn on her before the valve and piston repair, but having had a couple of goes on her since, and she is a decent, and strong little machine (although I'm glad I didn't have to oil her up!)
  5. Nigel Clark

    Nigel Clark Member Loco Owner

    Mar 30, 2008
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    6695 arrived home at Swanage last Wednesday (26th) and has now been examined by our engineer. We intend to start some of the remedial work this week and hope to have the engine back in traffic before too long but can't give any gaurantees as yet. Main focus is on the steam pipe joint in the smokebox and then work through the vacuum brake system to identify & rectify any faults. There are a few other jobs on the list too and we'll see how we get on.
  6. Nigel Clark

    Nigel Clark Member Loco Owner

    Mar 30, 2008
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    Have resurrected this thread on 6695 from 2010!! Of course the engine did get repaired and returned to traffic at Swanage in the early summer of that year.

    2015 is, unbelievably for me, 6695's final year in traffic before going out for 10 yearly overhaul; the boiler 'ticket' expires on 31st december this year. 6695 was first steamed in the autumn of 2005 though not entering traffic fully until February 2006 due to some teething problems. She has given good service to the Swanage Railway over the intervening years as well as visits to the East Somerset Railway (where she took part in a preservation 'first' of two 56/66xx engines working together in 2007, the other engine being 5637; and this still hasn't been replicated), Spa Valley Railway, North Norfolk Railway, West Somerset Railway (3 Gala's so far and another imminent!), South Devon Railway, and the Severn Valley Railway. As already mentioned, 6695 is booked to attend the WSR Spring Steam Gala next month which is appropriately themed!

    The 6695 Locomotive Group is currently in contact/discussion with several potential contractors regarding the 10 yearly overhaul as we are keen to get the work started as early as possible to reduce the likely time out of traffic.
    242A1 and Reading General like this.
  7. Reading General

    Reading General Part of the furniture

    May 18, 2011
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    with the surfeit of SR locos now at Swanage, it's good to here this. I'd have hated to see 6695 sidelined for donkeys years
  8. John Petley

    John Petley Part of the furniture

    Oct 8, 2007
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    Between LBSCR 221 and LBSCR 227
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    Yes, it's good that 6695 won't be out of action for too long. When I've been down to Swanage, I've heard the occasional grumblings about it, but based on its GWR origins rather than its performance. OK, not a geographically appropriate loco on an LSWR/SR branch line, but it's fine, gutsy engine that can handle the usual 5 or 6 carriages easily and it can be quite a noisy little beast into the bargain. Personally, I've never felt disappointed if I've gone for a ride on the line and 6695 has been one of the rostered engines - although having said that, with 34070, 30053, 31806 and (hopefully soon) 80104 also available for traffic this year, I don't think there are any engines in the Swanage fleet that would disappoint me!
  9. Nigel Clark

    Nigel Clark Member Loco Owner

    Mar 30, 2008
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    Resurrecting this thread yet again!

    Many people may be wondering what has been happening with 6695 since the unfortunate low-loader incident in March 2015, yes it was that long ago! Sorting out the various issues of the insurance claims and the full extent of the damage has taken many months, inspections, tests, and several meetings, even getting permission to dismantle the engine for full examination took quite a while. In the end dismantling was completed in December and the final testing & examination of wheelsets not completed until March this year.

    To summarize the damage, there was collision damage to the front end (loco shot forward several feet and hit the trailer swan-neck) resulting in bent buffer heads, bent buffer plank, distortion to footplate angles & brackets, distorted & torn dragbox, gussets and strengtheners (tearing caused by securing chains & hooks); similarly distorted & torn rear dragbox and gussets (again chains & hooks), very slight movement of leading horns/frames, much of the brake gear bent/distorted including 2 brake hangers bent beyond repair, many pins, and all stretchers and pull rods; all wheel springs and spring bolts subjected to excessive loading and require refurbishment/replacement; some support pins and spring bolt pockets have stretched rivets. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list but just a summary. We were fortunate that there does not appear to be any damage to the smokebox/boiler/firebox, and full testing of the wheelsets has shown no signs of damage to these either. Lots of tarmac and debris had been thrown up as the trailer had scoured the road surface for quite a distance and the debris got everywhere!

    The locomotive is at the Williton base of West Somerset Restoration (delivered directly there following the incident) who are undertaking the insurance damage repair work and also starting on the mechanical aspects of the overhaul as 6695 is now due it's 10 yearly heavy general. The front and rear ends have largely been rebuilt, and the brake gear repairs are progressing well. The springs are away with a contractor for refurb/replacement and new spring bolts will be ordered shortly. Two replacement brake hangers have also been acquired.

    Whilst the wheelsets were not damaged in the incident, there is some wear and tear to sort; South Devon Railway Engineering are currently replacing a worn crankpin on the driving wheelset as well as skimming all tyres to restore full profile and removing and re-riveting loose balance weights. Cleaning of frames is underway to prepare for repainting. Bryn Engineering have removed the old cylinder liners and bored out the block ready for new liners which are now being machined; new piston head castings have been purchased and await machining & fitting to the existing rods once the replacement liners have been fitted. The valve liners were renewed around 3 years ago and are fit for further service without the need to skim the bores. All slidebars have been re-ground and await refitting. The boiler has been gutted and inspections & testing are under way; once we have the full inspection report we can draw up a scope of work to enable us to seek quotes from various contractors.

    We are hoping to have the frames re-wheeled later this year, and would like to have the bottom end largely complete by early next year, leaving us with the boiler and such items as refurbishment of boiler fittings and tanks & bunker for the remainder of 2017.

    We would like to have 6695 ready for a return to traffic during early 2018, but whilst this is realistic it will be very dependent upon availability of funds. We are investigating various sources of funding and once we have an idea of work required on the boiler & firebox we will launch a specific appeal for that part of the project. Meanwhile donations of any size will be most gratefully received, and shares (£250 each) are available in the locomotive and can be purchased outright or by monthly instalments. Donations and/or share enquiries may be sent to The Membership Officer, 6695 Locomotive Group, Cherry Tree House, St Martins Road, Upton, Poole, Dorset BH16 5NQ.

    I will happily answer (if I can) on this forum any questions regarding the locomotive and progress with repairs/overhaul.
    Bluenosejohn, gz3xzf, ykin01 and 7 others like this.
  10. Nigel Clark

    Nigel Clark Member Loco Owner

    Mar 30, 2008
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    image4.jpeg image5.jpeg image1.jpeg image2.jpeg Leading and trailing coupled wheelsets with axleboxes & springs trial fitted, Repaired motion bracket refitted and primed.Refurbished items awaiting refitting. Pictures by Group member Scott Barnes.
    Bluenosejohn and Adam-Box like this.
  11. Nigel Clark

    Nigel Clark Member Loco Owner

    Mar 30, 2008
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    IMG_1168.JPG IMG_1171.JPG IMG_1174.JPG IMG_1178.JPG IMG_1166.JPG IMG_1205.JPG

    Overhaul of 6695 at Williton is proceeding steadily. Attached pictures show bunker back in place, water valves and vacuum cylinder refurbished and refitted along with lubrication grease lines. Driving wheelset returned from South Devon Railway Engineering having had tyres reprofiled & balance weights re-riveted (as have all three main wheelsets), and one new crankpin fitted. Frames cleaned and painted, drawgear refurbished, brake hangers and rigging refurbished & refitted including two replacement brake hangers acquired to replace the two bent in the low-loader incident. New cups made for the radial truck spring hanger bolts.

    As mentioned above all coupled wheels have had tyres reprofiled and balance weights re-riveted at SDR, the radial truck wheelset remains at SDR awaiting fitting of new tyres. Repair and refurbishment of all brake gear is in progress, the majority of which was damaged in the low-loader incident; this has included acquisition of two hangers to replace the bent ones, and manufacture of some replacement parts. The cast steel motion bracket (stretcher) was found to have several hairline cracks so was sent away for specialist weld repairs; this has now returned and been refitted to the frames. Bryn engineering are due to return shortly to fit the new liners to both cylinders, we can then machine the new piston heads to suit and fit them to the existing rods. Once this has been done, the repaired front end can finally be reassembled. Much work has gone on with cleaning and painting of the frames, refurb of the radial truck assembly, buffers, drawgear and sandboxes etc.. Bunker has been refitted to the frames and being worked on currently along with the water balance pipes. Side tanks to be looked at shortly including plans to reinstate the proper water gauge rather than the brass taps which she has run with during the previous 'ticket'.

    Meanwhile the boiler has been inspected and we are currently discussing the work required with contractors. We would hope to make this the project for 2017, with a view to getting the engine back into steam during 2018 but this will be very dependent upon funds.
  12. Nigel Clark

    Nigel Clark Member Loco Owner

    Mar 30, 2008
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    Latest press release from the 6695 Loco Group:

    On Friday 26 January 2018, 6695's boiler was moved from Williton to The Flour Mill workshops in the Forest of Dean for the overhaul to commence. Work will begin straightaway to remove the foundation ring and wasted steel plate from the firebox outer wrapper. The overhaul will include any necessary repairs to the foundation ring, replacement of wasted steel platework on the outer firebox, attention to the laps on the inner copper firebox, replacement of steel side stays as necessary, replacement of crown stays as necessary, replacement of lap rivets and patch screws on inner firebox, re-riveting of safety valve mounting pad, repair/reclamation of internal steam pipes, new tubes and superheater elements (current elements are all ex BR), and any other work found necessary as we progress with the overhaul. This list is by no means exhaustive but gives an idea of the work required to put this boiler back into a suitable condition for a further 10 years service. Now that work has commenced we need to ensure sufficient funds are available for the overhaul to steadily progress without interruption. Work on the rest of the engine continues at Williton by Group volunteers and with the ongoing assistance of WS Restoration. Please help us to complete this overhaul and get 6695 into service on the WSR sooner rather than later. If you would like to support us, please contact us by e mail at Locomotive6695@btinternet.com for details of share applications, sponsorship of parts, donations/loans etc., or alternatively visit our 6695 Loco Group Facebook page."
  13. Azrall

    Azrall Member

    May 2, 2013
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    Not that I wish to Hi-jack Nigel's own thread, but here we go:

    Press release: Ex-GWR 66XX 0-6-2T No. 6695 to move to the Swindon and Cricklade Railway!

    The Swindon & Cricklade Railway are very pleased to announce that 6695 Locomotive Ltd have come to an agreement with the S&CR to move their locomotive ex-GWR 66XX 0-6-2T No. 6695 to the railway’s home at Blunsdon Station.

    The engine was originally based at Swanage Railway but was damaged in an incident with the low loader transporting her to the West Somerset Railway Spring Gala in 2015 and she has been at Williton ever since. Nigel Clark, a member of 6695 Locomotive Ltd, said “She was due to be withdrawn at the end of 2015 for her planned 10-year heavy overhaul, so it was started early to also tackle the repairs needed. Following the WSR’s difficulties, our 25-year agreement with them was recently terminated.”

    6695 was built for the Great Western Railway to lot number 255 and given works number 983 by Armstrong Whitworth, completed in October 1928. First shedded at Tyseley, moving to Leamington in April 1929.

    6695 then moved to South Wales in 1939, shedded mainly at Landore (Swansea) and at Swansea East Dock. Then she was transferred from Landore to Neath Cwrt Sart around 1960, and further to Radyr for her final few months before withdrawal and her short, final journey to Dai Woodham’s scrapyard in 1964.

    6695 will complete her overhaul at the Swindon & Cricklade Railway and will be our main locomotive whilst the railway works on commencing the overhaul of resident locomotive Tkh 3135 “Spartan”. Allan Bott, Publicity Manager for the S&CR mentions, “This is fantastic news for the S&CR and gives us a much-needed morale boost following the recent departure of Owsden Hall. We recently hired 5619 and have been commended for maintaining it and keeping her in running order. Having 6695 Locomotive Ltd move here is a testament to our hard work and we look forward to working with 6695 Locomotive Ltd for many years to come.”

    6695’s overhaul is scheduled to be completed in spring 2020 and we would love for her to star in S&CR’s Steam Gala on 28th & 29th March 2020.
    MattA, ghost, Matt78 and 2 others like this.
  14. 60044

    60044 Member

    Feb 24, 2016
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    Excellent news for the S &CR but another bewildering decision by the WSR - a loco they could have outshopped relatively quickly, I'd have thought, and more or less ideal for that railway, if experience at the NYMR with 6619 was anything to go by.
    240P15 likes this.
  15. 45076

    45076 Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    6695 too heavy for the current weight restrictions on WSR.
  16. flying scotsman123

    flying scotsman123 Resident of Nat Pres

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Which further proves that getting the WSR back to red route status is by no means a case of "big chufferitus" but being able to cast its net wide for steam locos.
    BrightonBaltic, MattA and jnc like this.
  17. Matt78

    Matt78 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2007
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    That's really good news and a "happy ending" after the recent departure of the Hall.


  18. Dunfanaghy Road

    Dunfanaghy Road Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2019
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    I do worry about the phrase 'Red Route Status' (started, I think, by the current WSR chairman) as though it is part of some w***y-waving contest. This is particularly in the context of a line which, apparently, never was Red in the first place.
    The Dainton Banker likes this.
  19. flying scotsman123

    flying scotsman123 Resident of Nat Pres

    Sep 9, 2013
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    It's true that the WSR was never a red route, but the fact it has now had to decline the use of two GWR tank engines which would otherwise be perfectly suited to the line, economical etc. etc. does go some way to counter the folk saying that it seems like a waste of money. It's not so they can parade Kings up and down the line.
    jnc likes this.
  20. 60044

    60044 Member

    Feb 24, 2016
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    6695 may be a red route engine but it isn't working atm either - and by the time it is the WSR will/should be looking to run red route locos again. Not Castles and Kings but certainly Halls and the like - and even perhaps 94XX panniers!

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