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The Atlantic Coast Express 5th-8th September 2014

Discussion in 'What's Going On' started by steamvideosnet, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. steamvideosnet

    steamvideosnet Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2011
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    I know this is still 15 months away, but it looks like a cracking tour! Will be interesting to see what Southern engines will be on this - 35028 and 34046 will probably be in mind, but can't work out where the other Bulleid pacific will come from?

    I don't think 34067 can do it as it is a WCRC operated locomotive and 34027 is not going onto the main line immediately when it returns from overhaul (or at all?!). Still, it is a mouth watering tour in my books - will definitely be seeing this! The tour around the branch lines of Cornwall sound particularly interesting.


    James at SVN
  2. green five

    green five Resident of Nat Pres

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    When it was originally announced on the CE trips some time ago 35027 was mentioned as the the other Loco for this Multi day tour. Don't know if that still applies though as I don't know how the overhaul is progressing.
  3. KentYeti

    KentYeti Guest

    I'm going to be very fussy about this one!

    But for me the 50th anniversary of the last steam ACE really needs a MN to take the train on a decent schedule out of Waterloo. At least non stop to Salisbury. And that month is usually part of 35028's annual maintenance period?

    Plus all the other uncertainties that have arisen over motive power this year.

    For me it would be a total disaster if 60163 was in between it's boiler renewals/overhauls and brake overhauls etc and was the only loco available. Or an A4 or a Black Five etc etc. Or a long drawn out schedule to Salisbury with slow line running and a water stop on the way.

    Just booking myself on it I'd risk the £299. And just not turn up and waste the money if a MN, or indeed any Bulleid wasn't doing the bulk of the running, especially that first leg.

    But the email group of oldies I am in might want a group booking, and I don't want to be organising that and then feel obliged to go on the train with non Bulleid locos.

    It may be that I'll do nothing. And just keep my wonderful memories of those last months of the ACE in 1964. When by pure luck I had a full week in each direction from/to Waterloo with Fred Hoare driving. Plus a fair few other runs.

    Got to think hard about this!
    Drysdale likes this.
  4. Dan Hill

    Dan Hill Part of the furniture

    Aug 1, 2008
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    As its Steam Dreams could they get 35028 if the plan is to have a Merchant? She went down to Okehampton on the Cathedrals Explorer alright. Can't see either 35018 or 35027 being ready by then plus 35018 will be WCRC operated. Has any work actually been done to 35027 since she moved to Bury? Not heard of anything.
  5. Big Al

    Big Al Nat Pres stalwart Staff Member Moderator

    May 30, 2009
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    I agree that this is a great trip as conceived, however I am already managing down my expectations. Hopefully Clan Line will feature somewhere, logically on the first leg out of Waterloo and, who knows, by 2014 we may even have Braunton available to do something. The trip will definitely go down the main line through Surbiton but at that point I'm stopping hoping.

    Can't see it being non stop to Salisbury and certainly not to the old ACE timings as the trip leaves mid morning when there is no space on the network for anything quick. It would be wonderful if Honiton bank could be taken at a run without having to start at Chard but, again, I think the pathing will prevent that. If the plan to continue beyond Exeter to Barnstaple comes off, then that will be the first for many a while. But for me, the really interesting bit, if it comes off, will be the double headed Bulleids over the Devon Banks and into Cornwall. Has that happened before?

    With all the understandable excitement about the recent exploits of GW locos over the Banks the performance of 35005 in 1999 may have been forgotten. 65 min each way between St Davids and Plymouth with thirty something westbound over Dainton and Ratttery at a 'chat' I can still hear. Then over Hemerdon on the return at 20+ from a modest 63 at the bottom. Finally, and to cap it all, we ran non stop from Exeter to Bristol inside even time and in 74,5 minutes including a TSR. So bring it on, I say.
  6. KentYeti

    KentYeti Guest

    Yes Al, I hadn't thought about the departure time ex Waterloo. For such a trip, ie over several days, I would guess the majority of the clients likely to book wouldn't want a pre 07.00 start!

    Oh well, back to my 1964 logs!
  7. Stephensons_Ghost

    Stephensons_Ghost New Member

    Nov 3, 2011
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    Given the recent co-operation between Steam Dreams and SWT I'd be very surprised if its not a non stop path via Wimbledon. 0955 has been done before so I reckon its likely to be something very special.

    With 35028 the obvious choice is it really so difficult for a small amendment to maintenance plans? It's running up until 31/8 for Steam Dreams this year so hardly a massive change to get to 5/9/14.

  8. KentYeti

    KentYeti Guest

    Hopefully 35028 can be made available.

    The 09.55 path last year included a water stop at Overton. We were 5 late leaving London and had to stop at Earlsfield to deal with a tail lamp still on the front of the loco, thus avoiding any significant checks from the semi fast Salisbury train that left Waterloo ahead of us. That gave us an overall time of around 98 minutes to Salisbury including the water stop and other checks.

    Staying with an 09.55 departure from Waterloo it's hard to see how we could be into Salisbury much inside 90 minutes non stop, as I think there are some quite long signalling sections after Worting Junction? I can remember an 86 minute net time on the down ACE when Driver Terry had dreadful steaming problems, "the fire fell in" were his words as they were using brickettes. And that 86 minute net time run was dreadfully slow! My worst ever on that route.

    So it would need very considerable help from SW Trains and others to get a decent schedule non stop schedule to Salisbury.
  9. Paul42

    Paul42 Part of the furniture

    Jul 17, 2006
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    It is also doing a VSOE on the 11/9.
  10. steamvideosnet

    steamvideosnet Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2011
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    Let us not forget, however, that Steam Dreams appear to have a very good relationship with South West Trains. The return to London on the 9/7 Cathedrals Express last year was absolutely incredible, largely because of the non-stop run from Eastleigh. We all have fond memories of that trip, and that was with the help of SWT.

    As Brian correctly has said, there are very long sections after Worting. Back in April on the RTC ACE trip, 34067 caught the preceding stopping service at Andover on the outward and was braking (this being despite the service train having left some 15 minutes beforehand). Normally though, excursions go rattling through Andover as that line is used very little. I understand that the line is going to be upgraded in the not-too-distant future to cope with the increase in freight traffic along that line (reducing pressure on the SW main line).

    James at SVN
  11. Big Al

    Big Al Nat Pres stalwart Staff Member Moderator

    May 30, 2009
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    Just spotted that tucked away in the SD brochure is the note that 48151 will be handling the Cornish branch line extravaganza on the Sunday of this tour. That's interesting and an unusual choice although probably the right one for hill climbing purposes.

    With Tangmere named as the London-Exeter locomotive, we are still holding our breath that the first leg will be non stop to Salisbury in a time reminiscent of 1964. But given that the engine will have to be dragged to Waterloo from Southall, all eyes will be on water capacity, I suspect, so I'm expecting a stop at somewhere like Overton but am prepared to be pleasantly surprised. Clan Line out of Stewarts Lane? No big problem, on the other hand. Still, I guess that second best is better than nothing with a 3 at the start of the number.
  12. KentYeti

    KentYeti Guest

    I'm still not booked on it Al. I'd probably come along for old times sake and accept Tangy instead of 35028, even with a stop on the way to Salisbury.

    But it's at the end of the Short-eared Owl breeding season, or to be more accurate dispersal time for this years young. And after missing most of three complete breeding seasons, (Owls, not Yetis), due to lack of help/a low level of breeding, I have at last found a Raptor Group who are helping me with that vital part of the work for my book. So their help has to be an absolute priority for me at present.

    But if I do get as much done as I can this year before the ACE I may go begging SD to find a ticket to sell me for at least to and from Salisbury.................
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2014
  13. steamvideosnet

    steamvideosnet Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2011
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    Southampton, UK
  14. 34098

    34098 Member Account Suspended

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  15. Big Al

    Big Al Nat Pres stalwart Staff Member Moderator

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    Last edited: Jul 11, 2014
  16. Steamage

    Steamage Part of the furniture

    Sep 14, 2005
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    Hmm. A shame, but not a great surprise. Never mind, with the B&W gala and both the Torbay and Royal Duchy tours booked to run on Sunday, it's still worth a weekend in the South West. My guess is that, with Britannia and Braunton working the ACE to/from Penzance, Nunney Castle will be rostered for The Torbay Express, while Tangmere will work the Royal Duchy between London-Exeter legs.

    I wonder if St Blazey TT will be working? It could be quite a busy place on Sunday 7th, with 70000 & 34046 on shed, and 34067 calling in to turn and service!
  17. 34098

    34098 Member Account Suspended

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    could be 70013 on the dutchy or 44932
  18. maureen

    maureen Member

    Jul 12, 2007
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    most likely to be 70013 on the Dutchy as Tangmere is working the London to Exeter and return legs of the ACE, shame about the branch lines, but Ray did tell me some time ago that the 8F trips would be a non starter, he also thinks that the two engines on the ACE will probably come up to Laira to turn, and of course Tangmere will also need to turn.
  19. gricerdon

    gricerdon Guest

    What no class 47 or 33 involved on the main line sections. That's a shame. Shan't book now.

    ADB968008 likes this.
  20. 34098

    34098 Member Account Suspended

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    thats twice now the 8f over banks in the south west hasn't happened, :(

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