While not an origional member of the fleet, Ruston diesels do play a part in Penrhyn's history.
I'm afraid I am not privy to any information on that front
Sorry Merion, but incorrect, It left a couple of years ago back to Bala and is on display in thier museum
So the word 'sold' in the artical is meaningless?
theres some 3 ft at Statfold..............
I'm told the drawings for'Michael', Wn 1709 built in 1932 with a cab, shows it with a short chimney which it carries to this day.
I totally agree, this is a stunning livery and needs to be kept...... to the point of, if an 'England' is to be painted Green, how about 'Prince'...
In regards to the 'great name debate' would it not be out of order to place the word 'The' infront of Mountaineer on one of the loco's, making it...
With Welsh Pony joining the fleet soon, will it mean that 'there will allways be an England' at the Ffes in steam?..................I'll just get...
I agree, after all, its is the Season Of Goodwill and all that jazz
I'm sure that this idea will be shot down in flames but........... How about building a diesel loco on the similar principle to a Garratt, i.e....
Richard, I think that the FR would have run shorter trains using thier own fleet, they have more than enough locos to run the FR service, most...
I must say the wood cladding of the new shed at 'Blodge' is very pleasing on the eye............
I like the concept but not being a qualified engineer I do not understand why one power bogie is 6 coupled and the other 4 coupled
planishing hammer is not up to the job, 4lb lump minimum requirement ;-)
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