With a very few exceptions - where the offer is generally high premium and the potential market significant - I suspect that this is the economic...
An unused capital item is an invisible drain on capital resources - unless there is a business case that justifies its retention in a declining...
The measure of 'high incident-per-mile' accurately represents the fact that per mile run heritage railways have significantly more reportable...
There is a difference between what is provided for personal and business banking. Whilst it is true that deposits and withdrawals can be made at...
With no banks in Swanage (meaning that cash cannot just be paid in/withdrawn by railway staff in person), I suspect that the problem is that...
I think the first year we topped 200k was 2005, with SR overtaking WSR (and becoming the 3rd busiest heritage railway in passenger number terms in...
Although it is now some time ago, I am pretty certain that the second 08 was purchased after an initial leased period.
If the lease conditions were not significantly changed in 2014, then it could potentially void the lease held from DC, Beyond that, some of the...
I was involved in some of the administrative work by the solicitors working on the LR(E)O application and appeal hearing, and later had to work...
Four quick points, which explain why these ideas may not already have been pursued: 1. I would be almost certain that the planning restrictions...
Quite rightly, I suspect that the main priority for NR was preventing contagion to other services, and having one line blocked would be better...
Not quite entirely for the benefit of Swanage Railway (though, I accept mostly for their benefit...). Assuming that access to the branch was...
It would be something of a shame if you have decided not to visit Swanage on the basis of the opinions of someone who is not connected in any way...
Though historic, the following notes might illustrate the traffic demands of the 'core' service. However, the changes to the mode of operation of...
Sorry if I wasn't clear in the earlier posting, but you are quite correct that it was creating enough space between the two platforms for a...
Separate names with a comma.