What sort of response were you hoping for? What could they say which would make you change your mind? Did you in fact stop your payments?
Meanwhile, back at the NYMR...
But they are also detached from the subject and the individuals concerned, which isn't the case here. There are lots of posts in this thread which...
Why "apparently"? Have the trustees themselves said anything different? You may want to know something, but does that justify trying to dig up...
If the departing trustees requested that their reasons for leaving should not be publicised, can't you respect this?
But the actions of one or a few subscribers on this forum don't really give a broader picture.
Does anyone have any quantitative data about the negative views of other volunteers or how many have left the NYMR?
But had anyone actually stopped donating as a result of the recent decisions? Even amongst those on this forum?
And if they still don't respond in the way you'd like, what then?
I'm expecting placards, chanting and ceremonial burning of bank standings orders at the very least. "What do we want? Tornado on the mainline!...
Wow. As corporate communications go, that comes over as a bit entitled - "we're in charge (power, responsibility), we know best, come and join...
The amount of "discussion" any one railway gets is often more to do with the number of volunteers or visitors who have a particular gripe about...
Who said that the WSR officials are irritated? Once again, there is an assumption of the (self) importance of this forum. Just because someone...
Separate names with a comma.