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Help/advice required

Discussion in 'Model Railways' started by KHARDS, Jan 5, 2020.


    KHARDS Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2006
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    Train Planner
    Errr......in front of a computer?

    My family have been given a part completed model. Its a 2.5 inch guage model of an LMS Princess.

    The boiler, wheels, frames, motion and cylinders are done. There is no cab or tender

    From the little I know about models I am fairly sure we can not afford to make the model work, buy I am intetested in seeing if someone could quote a ballpark figure to get the loco finished cosmetically.

    Do any of you know someone I should approach?

    All help greatfully received.

    K IMG_9156.jpeg IMG_9156.jpeg
  2. ilvaporista

    ilvaporista Part of the furniture

    Jan 16, 2006
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    On the 45th!
    There are so many variables that it's difficult to say a ballpark figure. It will depend on what you want it to look like and what level of detail.
    To make it operable might not be as complex or expensive as you think. But it will start with a detailed examination of what you have.
    Depending on your location there are some people that offer such services. Best thing would be to make contact with the local model engineering society to get a bit more of a detailed opinion. If you like what you see you might even join in and find someone to mentor and help you as you complete it.
  3. mdewell

    mdewell Well-Known Member Friend

    Mar 23, 2005
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    UK & Ireland Heritage Railways Webmaster
    Ruabon, Wrexham
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    Yes I am an active volunteer
  4. break_sumthing

    break_sumthing New Member

    Jun 27, 2007
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    Hello Khards,

    This is my first post on the forum, but as I have a keen interest (from the sidelines only, unfortunately) in gauge 3 / 2.5 inch gauge live steam, I wanted to contribute what little information I know to be available…

    I don’t claim to be able to recommend a person or company to approach to have the work done. But I think that there may be resources available to help you find out more about your loco, and then (later) perhaps specify the work you want doing.

    *A key assumption for what follows is that the design that the builder has followed is the 1933 design by Curly Lawrence (pen name ‘LBSC’) described in the ‘English Mechanics’ magazine.*
    (In any case, if the construction doesn’t closely match this design, then to have any remaining components made, some of the information (approximate sizes, etc.) from the following *may* be useful. There are at least a couple of other published designs of 2.5 inch gauge LMS pacific locos, but with – I believe – much less available information.)

    The UK national association for 2.5 inch gauge model engineering have a web page for the design here:
    http://www.n25ga.org/Designs/LMS Designs/Princess Royal/Princess Royal by LBSC.htm

    Copies of drawings are still available from ‘Reeves Engineering’:

    And a booklet with the original design/construction notes from the 1933/1934 magazine articles is also available from Tee Publishing:

    Note that Reeves and Tee are (I understand) essentially just stockists/retailers, so I don’t think they will be able to directly help with the work that you want done

    As those above have mentioned, contacting members or hobbyists who are interested in construction of models/miniatures - and specifically in this scale / gauge - may generate more leads.
    As well as the National 2.5 inch Gauge Association, there is also the Gauge 3 Society (www.gauge3.org.uk). I imagine that both organisations will include members with experience/knowledge if your objective is cosmetic completion.

    I hope all that makes some sense, and that the links work, etc. As I say: this is my first post to the forum.

    Monkey Magic, 60525 and ilvaporista like this.

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