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Notice to all Members - WSRA Discussion Thread Reopened

Discussion in 'Forum Information' started by Pete Thornhill, Sep 10, 2015.

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  1. Pete Thornhill

    Pete Thornhill Resident of Nat Pres Staff Member Administrator Moderator Friend

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Update (14/09/15)

    The WSRA Matters thread has now been reopened but members are asked to read carefully and internalise the first message.

    Thank you.
    At the request of a person closely connected with the ongoing discussion about the WSRA this thread has been removed temporarily. No further discussion is allowed on this Forum at this stage and any new thread that alludes to these matters will be removed and the initiator given a warning.

    There are other channels away from NP where the discussion can continue and that decision is for individuals to make.

    We appreciate your co-operation on this matter.
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