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Peak Rail General Discussion

Discussion in 'Heritage Railways & Centres in the UK' started by kestreleyes, Nov 22, 2009.

  1. daveannjon

    daveannjon Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    Waiting for the Right Away
    Just a quick clarification , you have to be a paid up PRA member to attend, as it's the PRA AGM not the plc one.. There are probably some shareholders who are not current members.

    Sheff likes this.
  2. Breva

    Breva Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Yes I am an active volunteer
    Yes, I am one of those. I am lapsed (or so my doctor says :) ) but still got shares.
    Let us know how it went, as the forum has died, so we don't get to hear much other than through the annual report of the plc. I shall certainly be voting at the plc AGM !
  3. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    8F4A153F-E97D-4CA1-8E57-4CFCC84FD0BE.jpeg A39933E9-DEFA-40D4-8E01-28CDEC52E0C9.jpeg Andrew and myself topped the rowsley cabin out today with the restored finials Ben has made up, a job made a lot easier with the new scaffolding tower bought from a local sale,the finials have also had another coat of paint and epoxy sealed too, it was snowing at the days start but turned nice in the afternoon by which time we’d moved onto the flange lubricator at rowsley, which is now primed with light oil to get the pipework working, we noted a leak of grease behind the piston which may be a problem but with eight spare from the recovery we’ve got plenty more to swap over if needed, speaking of recoveries we’ve gained some more pulley wheels and bits and rod has very kindly rewelded up the old facing point lock stretchers for reuse.

    I snapped a picture of the new arc leisure crossing which the council have tarmacced,though its still awaiting signage prior to being officially brought into use but at least its out the damp dip it used to be within.
    Bluenosejohn, Copper-capped and jnc like this.
  4. daveannjon

    daveannjon Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    Waiting for the Right Away
    Austerity NCB No 72 has arrived for the new season (from Mangapps?), must say I prefer them in black.


    NCB 72 3.jpg
  5. 26D_M

    26D_M Part of the furniture

    Oct 22, 2009
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    Is 72 still being made available for sale or has it already changed hands?
  6. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    92BA2183-75D0-4C4D-9864-C2F63E13315B.jpeg 14F7195D-DCBB-4CDA-9268-138940ABC1A2.jpeg Busy day today with it being the first operating day of the year, up at Rowsley the Ashover light railway folks have been busy and have cut down one of the two carriages they are working on to make it look more like an original Ashover carriage, the ends of the carriage have been shortened and new beams welded in, new roof struts for the ends have been rolled by a firm in Barnsley and the new chassis was having its axle mounts refitted when I called in, the eventual plan is to have the couplings mounted from the bogies as was on the original Ashover carriages

    The LMSCA were busy on several bits of stock but I managed to chat with Harvey about the work on restoring the palvan I photographed last time, the sides have been renewed in very thick ply and the door frames worked on and rebooted up again,compared to earlier box vans there’s a lot less bits .

    The HST gang were also busy working on restoring one of their brake vans which they use on their gala days and they tell me Bigga the ex pea factory loco is next on the list of shunters to be restored

    Rod has continued the slow process of honing out the oak end beams for the tank waggon, one end being easier than The other as one end has a ninety degree piece saddled into the beam itself , there’s other related waggon and loco restoration ongoing but we were busy on several fronts in my own department to get around everyone, the seasons new locomotive has arrived ,no72 from I believe the Spa Valley railway, the department today concentrated on looking at several signal post telephone bells which were sticking as well as an exchange fault at Darley preventing calls from that exchange ringing in, we also recreosted and coated riverside,Darley and church lane walkboards,painted rowsley block shelf mounts and wired and fixed the new sink tap up at church lane, Thanks go to John,Rodney,Peter and Deborah for today’s work and to Dave for the cups of tea and to Mr Briddon for the use of some big tools

    Picture of D8 at the new foot crossing at Arc Leisure courtesy of mr S Graves

    Attached Files:

    HY_4273, Copper-capped, jnc and 2 others like this.
  7. FearOfManchester

    FearOfManchester Member

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Peak District
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    No I do not currently volunteer
    Is the crossing staying that way for the foreseeable future? Bit disappointed in those ugly railings for the dog leg, but at least it's up and running, the cycle path was pretty useless without it. I remember all the promises of sculptures and railway related infopoints they were going to have lining the trails, that was back in 2011 before budgetary reality set in I guess ;) personally I think paths on the lineside are great publicity for the railway, when a railway is more in view to the general public, the more connected they'll feel with it, probably get some new volunteers from people walking along the path and being wowed by a loco steaming alongside.
  8. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    Yes for now,there may be more work ahead as and when the cycleway cracks on with the rest of the trail, as you say having the trail alongside the line is the best advert you could have ,wel see what happens in the new financial year ahead for the rest of the trail
  9. nanstallon

    nanstallon Part of the furniture

    Sep 8, 2005
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    Yes I am an active volunteer
    Nice to see a Peak where it belongs. The Austerity looks lovely; just a bit too clean and shiny!

    Last edited: Feb 18, 2018
  10. Jamie Glover

    Jamie Glover New Member

    Feb 20, 2010
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    Central Asia and Manila, Philippines
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    Yes I am an active volunteer
    Being too clean and shiny is nothing to worry about for Peak Rail fans . The locomotive is sure to be in a semi derelict condition when it is returned to Peak Rail at the end of its hire period.

    One only have to look at the shape Lord Phil and Jennfer were in at the end of their hire periods. Not to mention what happened to the Duke when it came to the end if it's contract...part of which included an overhaul at Peak Rail's expense.

    Then there is the case of Zebedee. Dismantled for refurbishment, never restored and finally flogged off when Peak Rail's experts flogged her off.
    48624 likes this.
  11. joe_issitt

    joe_issitt New Member

    Nov 13, 2008
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    I have to be honest, Ring Haw came back in a brilliant condition the first time we let it go there. However, the most recent time was.... well... not so great. It won’t be going back...
  12. daveannjon

    daveannjon Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    Waiting for the Right Away
    But I believe it only had one injector working when it arrived (so a failure) which the lads sorted in double quick time.
  13. What, Toton? :)
  14. FearOfManchester

    FearOfManchester Member

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Peak District
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    No I do not currently volunteer
    Well sh*te me britches, the mumbling be true, class 414 2HAP 4311 is moving to the briddon collection at Darley, an odd choice but they already have a PCV and locos it can be used with, at least it has a stable home, as opposed to the potentially unstable home it may have had at Blaenau. Read all about it.. https://www.weekendrails.co.uk/latest-posts/403.html
  15. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    64245DBD-15BC-43C8-AE54-50410C14FEC2.jpeg 0AE742A1-FE49-4828-A13B-45151CFBAC99.jpeg 64245DBD-15BC-43C8-AE54-50410C14FEC2.jpeg CALLED in today with John to get a few things done, the pipework under church lane sink replaced, the ladders dropped off for the lamp post to be finished off,John has completed the wiring in now, we also headed Upto Riverside to look at a few lamp faults,one being an old tamper hit cable that was buried and putting a short on the lamp circuit,before finishing off some more work up at Rowsley in the dry and warm

    The LMSCA gang were also staying dry doing some more work on the NRM coach sanding down and revarnishing the exterior .

    Parish notices time

    For a requested £3 donation on the door, all welcome to:

    Monday 5 March 2018 at 7:30pm

    Robert Pritchard - slideshow - "Ten Years Plus at Platform 5"

    "Robert is a news & feature writer at Platform 5, publishers of the Today's Railways UK and Today's Railways Europe magazines. He has long been photographing in the UK and abroad, and his involvement with the magazines means that he gets to photograph newsworthy events, and gain access to privileged areas. Tonight 2003-2005"

    For your extra entertainment, at the interval Colin Peskett will be holding a 100 Club Draw and conducting the Annual 100 Club AGM. If Colin is on usual form, if you nip down to the bar it may be all over by the time you get back!


    Presented by: Peak Railway Association (Sheffield Branch) at

    The Harlequin Pub (upstairs function room)

    108 Nursery St, Sheffield S3 8GG

    bus routes 3, 7, 8, 8a, 83 and 83a stop near the front door.


    David Sharp

    Peak Railway Association, Sheffield Branch

    (E): d.sharp@sheffield.ac.uk

    (H): 0114 274 5478

    (M): 07950 787 231 (text or call)

    future branch programme and directions to The Harlequin, can be found at:



    Aizlewoods Mill car park. The menacing parking notices are to tackle daytime abuse. Aizlewoods confirm Harlequin patrons can continue to park in evenings. 'Policing' only done by Aizlewoods staff (who finish at 1700). The London security firm is used just to process any parking notices instigated by Aizlewoods.


    Attached Files:

  16. Wonderfully atmospheric photos.
  17. FJR8642

    FJR8642 Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    Stoke On Trent
    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    Yes I am an active volunteer
  18. nanstallon

    nanstallon Part of the furniture

    Sep 8, 2005
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    Heritage Railway Volunteer:
    Yes I am an active volunteer
    Lovely photos in the snow. My local branch line service was suspended for the duration, and I didn't fancy a 8 mile trudge through the snow to reach the main line, so I was confined to barracks while all the photo opportunities went by.

  19. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    S and T

    half day today for a change as had other pressing business, dropped off the remaining donated signal wheels into the store as well as some wood which will later be used when we do the base inside rowsley box, I checked over the repairs to church lane sink and tap which now it is unfrozen work fine, I also finished off a bit more painting on the front of riverside before it goes onto its base,which is on for the end of the month now the crane and lorry have been sorted, lastly with time ticking down till the lift Ben Harvey, Martin and myself put the LMS display stove inside the box through the window with the aid of the tele handler jcb which made a better job than we did of the job with ropes and brute strength.

    The remaining jobs now are all internal, make a see through cover for the locking tray, Ben is going to finish off the Midland Blockshelf,assemble the stove and fit the clock properly once the cabin is in its final place, but while that can go on the next step once the box is lifted will be to get the cast windows mounted in the framework with the glazing David made up which is waiting and then get the cladding sorted downstairs, we have enough good bits to trim down for the sides but will end up purchasing new long lengths for the rear and front anyway,we also then can make the stairs ,that will take us towards the middle to Autumn time and then once the timetable drops off we can get on with connecting the wires from the frame into the wire runs already in place and start testing things.

    That’s the plan for Riverside so far, a stage at a time .

    The telecomms gang should be down over the weekend so potentially some news from Peter for the next update there

    Elsewhere Harvey and Ben were extremely busy varnishing up 7828 and I noted also the palette box van Harvey’s been restoring in lovely pink undercoat , over in the shed work continues on the tank waggon,the wood is finished and treated for the frame ends and just needs fitting now, the dropside steel coal waggon (best description I can give)has had some welding undertaken and has started to go into primer grey

    Work on the class 25 progresses, more bodywork and piping up to do next ,before the generator and electrics ,then the roof can go back on and the other cab end can be sorted.

    On a plus side NO SNOW shhhhhhhhhhh
    Bluenosejohn and 30854 like this.
  20. kestreleyes

    kestreleyes Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    signal engineer
    D7DDA479-55F9-405D-A17A-B01E4599E54A.jpeg D7DDA479-55F9-405D-A17A-B01E4599E54A.jpeg S and t

    Andrew John and myself with help from Harvey got the wooden batons cut in the LMSCA for rowsley box to go onto the cross beams on the steelwork which have been predrilled to allow them to be bolted too, onto these will go the cladding boards once the top is on,a job much nearer since part of the morning moving stuff out of the way so that the waggon the cabin is sat upon could be shunted nearer to its unloading point for craning onto the steelwork.

    We also did a little cleaning and tidying up of the stores too

    Waggon wise there’s a fair bit of progress on various items of stock, Harvey’s onto final painting of the ex mod waggon,the LMS brakeman is also now in for work in the LMSCA, the 25 ton coal wagon is now finished in black inside and bauxite outside,and rod is due to finish the tank fitting out in coming days hopefully.

    Gordon says the repair to the field regulator which we faulted before Christmas has made good improvements to d8s overall power nicely,the class 25 makes good progress too.

    If not already posted the Renown and Repulse gang have also been hard at it,the link below takes you to their latest work diary.

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